in·ter·dis·ci·pli·nar·y in(t)ərˈdis(ə)pləˌnerē/ adjective relating to more than one branch of knowledge.
While in Vancouver, British Columbia, after the College Music Society Pacific Northwest Regional Conference, I was able to spend some time with digital artist Christine Zion in her English Bay home during which--as too few have ever done--we, as artists across disciplines, took full advantage of the chance to interact.
Color = Music = Color, ad infinitum
Ploutonion Quartet Becomes Score for Indie Film!
When collaborating, I understand the importance of surrounding myself with talented people. In this case, two of my multimedia quartet's undeniable MVPs are director/screenwriter/actor Gil Luna, the genius who shot Ploutonion's short film and poet Jason W. Johnson.
PNW's Exploration of National Topic "Reflect-Celebrate-Innovate"
The College Music Society's Rocky Mountain Chapter 32nd Regional Conference
No Boys Allowed (Well, Not Entirely)
Did the CMS Southern Chapter's 38th Conference Provide Fellowship and Camaraderie?
EAPR Publishes Extensive Revision of ""Mesmeric Revelation"..."
I want to inform everyone about the publication of the revised/expanded version of my paper ""Mesmeric Revelation": Art as Hypnosis." The triple-blind review process was rather labor-intensive. But that is the very first item of the general submission criteria for authors of the EAPR (The Edgar Allan Poe Review).
Annual Meeting of the New Zealand Musicological Society (NZMS; 2016)
South-Central Regional Conference of The College Music Society 2016
What a conference! Applying the Existential Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre to Performance and Stage Fright! Cellular Pivots as a New Means of Progression in Post-Tonal Music! Audience, Performance, and Compositional Considerations in Electroacoustic Composition! Art Song Settings of Poetry of William Butler Yeats!
There Ain't No Party "Had Ever Been Gathered" Like a Chi Epsilon Party...
Publishing Works with Calabrese Brothers
I want to inform everyone about my efforts to find a publisher for my music. I submitted several of my most recent works to Calabrese Brothers Music, LLC. They are publishers of contemporary classical music. Finding a publisher is important for making valuable contributions to the discourse in one's field and to the culture of all creative fields.
New Job
Do We Need the Arts?
A lot of people have no interest in the arts at all. The citizens of Water Valley, MS, however, are not those people. As a case in point, Mickey Howley and Annette Trefzer, owners of Bozart's Gallery, say that their mission is to “expand community appreciation of the arts, and promote the town of Water Valley as an art destination."
No Art Without Mind Control
Hats Off, Gentlemen, a Genius!
Taking a Look at Edgar Allan Poe
I want to inform everyone about my involvement with The Poe Studies Association's Fourth International Edgar Allan Poe Conference. I served as Chair for a session entitled "Aesthetics and Philosophy" which took place in the East End room of The Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, NY on Saturday, February 28, 2015.