Jason W. Johnson

Paper Published in Technoetic Arts 20.3!

Paper Published in Technoetic Arts 20.3!

My paper entitled “Towards a new aesthetic: Noumenism and Noumenist poetics” has recently been published in issue 20.3 of Intellect’s well-established, peer-reviewed academic journal Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research

Ploutonion Quartet Becomes Score for Indie Film!

Ploutonion Quartet Becomes Score for Indie Film!

When collaborating, I understand the importance of surrounding myself with talented people. In this case, two of my multimedia quartet's undeniable MVPs are director/screenwriter/actor Gil Luna, the genius who shot Ploutonion's short film and poet Jason W. Johnson.

South-Central Regional Conference of The College Music Society 2016

South-Central Regional Conference of The College Music Society 2016

What a conference! Applying the Existential Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre to Performance and Stage Fright! Cellular Pivots as a New Means of Progression in Post-Tonal Music! Audience, Performance, and Compositional Considerations in Electroacoustic Composition! Art Song Settings of Poetry of William Butler Yeats! 

Hats Off, Gentlemen, a Genius!

Hats Off, Gentlemen, a Genius!

The Anvil's Children by my best friend Jason W. Johnson is a collection of poetry which represents one of the first works of Noumenism, an ideology based on the fully artificed exploitation of what is essentially psychic automatism.