
Paper Published by Cybernetics & Human Knowing!

Paper Published by Cybernetics & Human Knowing!

Another paper of mine entitled “The Destabilizing Cybernetics of Implausibility: The Anti-Anthropocentric Crisis” was published this month in Cybernetics & Human Knowing 26, nos. 2-3: 169-190. In it, I use an analysis of my own creative process to formulate the hypothesis that a feedback loop connects the music composer, the composition, and its percipients, moving them gradually away from humanocentricism.

Hats Off, Gentlemen, a Genius!

Hats Off, Gentlemen, a Genius!

The Anvil's Children by my best friend Jason W. Johnson is a collection of poetry which represents one of the first works of Noumenism, an ideology based on the fully artificed exploitation of what is essentially psychic automatism.