
Paper Published in Technoetic Arts 20.3!

Paper Published in Technoetic Arts 20.3!

My paper entitled “Towards a new aesthetic: Noumenism and Noumenist poetics” has recently been published in issue 20.3 of Intellect’s well-established, peer-reviewed academic journal Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research

Paper Published by Cybernetics & Human Knowing!

Paper Published by Cybernetics & Human Knowing!

Another paper of mine entitled “The Destabilizing Cybernetics of Implausibility: The Anti-Anthropocentric Crisis” was published this month in Cybernetics & Human Knowing 26, nos. 2-3: 169-190. In it, I use an analysis of my own creative process to formulate the hypothesis that a feedback loop connects the music composer, the composition, and its percipients, moving them gradually away from humanocentricism.

College Music Symposium: "Down the Passage Which We Did Not Take"

College Music Symposium: "Down the Passage Which We Did Not Take"

These words, from "The Four Quartets" by modernist poet T.S. Eliot and quoted on the College Music Symposium website, conveys the idea that the future is contained in the past and vice versa.